Silver Star Sewer Utility Service Establishment and Loan Authorization Bylaws – Alternative Approval Process Results

Media Release

The Alternative Approval Process (AAP) for the Silver Star Sewer Utility Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2971, 2023, Silver Star Sewer Utility Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2972, 2023, and to enter into an agreement with Silverhawk Utilities Inc. (“Silverhawk”) officially closed on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 4:00 pm.

The Regional District of North Okanagan estimated that the total number of qualified electors in the service area as 1,525 and that the receipt of elector response forms submitted by ten percent (10%) of that number, or 153 qualified electors, would be required to defeat the bylaws without an assent vote (referendum) being held.

The total number of elector response forms received by the deadline opposing the Board of Directors of the Regional District of North Okanagan adopting Bylaw Nos. 2971 and 2972 was 1.

Approval of the electors has been received for the Bylaws and the entering into an agreement with Silverhawk pursuant to sections 175 and 179 of the Community Charter and sections 269, 342 and 403 of the Local Government Act. Accordingly, the Board of Directors may now adopt Bylaw Nos. 2971 and 2972 which would authorize the Regional District to establish a service and adopt a loan authorization bylaw to allow for the borrowing of up to $4,500,000 to facilitate the acquisition, operation and maintenance of the Silver Star Sewer Utility at Silver Star Mountain.