Did you know that approximately 35% of household waste is organic material that comes from your yard or kitchen?
Composting is an effective and inexpensive way of reducing the amount of garbage we send to landfills. Also, composting can help you turn your kitchen or yard waste into a nutrient-rich, soil conditioner that is also a water-saving mulch for your veggie and flower beds.

Discover the Best Compost Method for Your Household
There are several ways to compost to suit a variety of households. Check out the factsheets below to find out more about home composting systems. Also, check out the main RDNO Organics/Composting page for links to information on municipalities within the RDNO that operate curbside organics collection programs as well as the free drop off for Yard & Garden Waste at Diversion & Disposal Facilities.
Composter Rebate Program
Composting to Avoid Attracting Animals
Compost that smells can attract pests such as rodents, racoons and in some areas bears. Compost that is properly maintained will not smell and will not likely be an attractant. Please review the following factsheets to ensure you are composting responsibly to avoid pests and protect wildlife:
- Revelstoke Bear Aware – Composting in Bear Country
- Compost Education Centre – Vermin Resistance
Sustainable Yard Care
In addition to composting there are other ways you can reduce waste and garden sustainably. To learn more please check out the following:
On-site Composting for Multi-family, Businesses and other Organizations
There are a growing number of ways that communities and organizations are working together to compost food scraps to provide valuable compost for their communities and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transporting food scraps and compost.
Yard & Garden Waste Drop-off
Yard & Garden Waste can be dropped off at any RDNO Diversion & Disposal Facility free of charge.
Questions? Email us at solidwaste@rdno.ca, or visit our Contact Us page for all other inquiries.