Yard & Garden Waste Drop-off

Yard & Garden Waste generated in the RDNO is consolidated at the Greater Vernon Diversion and Disposal Facility (DDF) and turned into RDNO-Gro, a compost which can be used as a soil amendment for gardening and landscaping.

Keeping Yard & Garden Waste out of the garbage:

  • Extends the life of our landfills;
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions; and
  • Produces compost that can improve and protect our soils and conserve water. 

Yard & Garden Waste accepted at RDNO DDFs includes:

  • trimmings and prunings (<20 centimetres diameter and 2 metres long)
  • leaves
  • grass
  • mulch
  • flowers
  • vegetable stalks (including pumpkins)
  • woody or herbaceous waste
  • wood chips
  • wind fallen fruit and vegetables; and
  • trees trunks and stumps (<20 cm diameter).

Material Not Accepted as Yard & Garden Waste includes: animal feces, cardboard, noxious weeds, plastic, soil, rocks, fencing, fabric, netting and other non-vegetated landscaping and gardening waste. Any material other than yard waste in the yard waste stock pile at a DDF is not permitted.


Rates & Quantities

There are Free Yard & Garden Waste drop off areas at all RDNO Diversion and Disposal Facilities (except for Silver Star Transfer Station). Quantities greater than 2 cubic meters or more than the bed of a full-size pickup truck per day are accepted at the Greater Vernon or Lumby Diversion & Disposal Facilities ONLY due to capacity issues at the other RDNO DDFs..  

Bulk loads of Yard & Garden waste delivered in dual rear axle vehicles or larger are accepted at Greater Vernon and Lumby Diversion & Disposal Facilities ONLY.  Fees apply for bulk loads of Yard & Garden Waste. For information on tipping fees please visit: rdno.ca/ddf-fees

PLEASE BE ADVISED that as of April 1, 2025 loads of Yard & Garden Waste larger than 2 cubic meters  will be accepted at the Greater Vernon or Lumby DDFs ONLY. Please plan accordingly.  


Plastic Yard Waste Bags Contaminate Compost

Plastic bags are a big problem for yard waste and compost as get shredded into small pieces when the materials are chipped. Just one bag can be shredded into thousands of plastic fragments. The small pieces of plastic then pollute our land and water and reduce the usefulness of the compost.

Some alternatives to bringing yard waste to Diversion & Disposal Facilities in plastic bags are:

  • Using reusable containers or kraft paper bags
  • Bringing materials unbagged but remember to secure your load
  • Keeping leaves as a valuable garden bed mulch to improve soil and plant health.
  • Using leaves in your backyard compost, they are an excellent ingredient for controlling odors, preventing pests and making great compost. Find tips on the Home Composting & Yard Care webpage
  • Grasscycling by leaving mowed grass on the lawn which improves the health of lawns and saves you time

Please make sure all bagged Yard & Garden Waste is emptied. If you are not reusing your bags, emptied plastic bags go to garbage and emptied paper bags can be added to the Yard & Garden Waste pile.


Noxious Weeds

Noxious Weeds are not accepted in the Yard & Garden Waste drop off area. These plants need to be contained and disposed responsibly to prevent their spread.

Noxious Weeds are accepted for disposal at no charge at RDNO DDFs under the following conditions:

  • Contain them to prevent their spread in clear plastic bags, clear plastic sheets or tarp. Loose Noxious Weeds will not be accepted for disposal.
  • Small amounts (less than 6 bags in volume) will be accepted during regular operating hours at DDFs.
  • Larger quantities (more than 6 bags) require a minimum of 24 hour advanced notice at Greater Vernon DDF and are accepted between 10:00am to 2:00pm Monday to Friday (please call 250-550-3785 or email solidwaste@rdno.ca).
  • Upon arriving to a DDF, proceed to the scale house and the attendant will advise on the dispose location and will record your disposal.  

Please help avoid the spread of noxious weeds and Invasive Plants. Learn more about Noxious Weeds & Invasive Plants.


Most municipalities also provide seasonal or curbside collection for yard and garden waste. For more information, check directly with your municipality. 


rdno gro logo

RDNO-Gro is available, free of charge, at a stockpile located at the Greater Vernon Diversion and Disposal Facility.

Home Composting & Yard Care

Kitchen scraps in garden and hands picking up soil

Composting is an effective and inexpensive way of reducing the amount of garbage we send to landfills.