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The Okanagan Valley has a History of Flooding

Flooding is a common, naturally occurring event in British Columbia
Protecting your Home and Property

A guide to help you make an informed choice when purchasing a home or working to protect it.
Sandbags can help mitigate flood damage to your property.

Consider flood protection and mitigation tactics such as sandbags and dyke/berms around the property to reduce risks
Receive notice of emergencies

The RDNO advises any person working near creeks, streams and rivers to use extreme caution and safety measures. Fast-moving water may cause erosion and bank instability. See Landslide Information for Homeowners and Home Buyers for more details. Visit Be Prepared for Floods
Floods are the most frequent natural disaster in Canada - Do not walk, swim or drive through flood waters. just six inches of moving water can knock you down, and two feet can float a vehicle.
How to Prepare for a Flood
Many residents in the North Okanagan live and work in areas at risk from flooding.