Fire Prevention Week


The year’s Fire Prevention Week (October 4 – 10, 2020) theme has been announced and it couldn’t be more relevant: Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen. Over the last 5 years 78% of structure fires were residential.

Families are spending more time cooking at home due to COVID-19 and we want to help keep them safe by promoting the theme earlier than usual.

You can help promote kitchen fire safety by participating in the Fire Safety Challenge! The Burn Fund challenges locals and professional chefs to share important prevention tips to help keep families safe.

Get involved by posting a photo or video highlighting kitchen fire safety tips. Use the hashtag #FireSafetyChallenge and tag @BurnFundBC.

Cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires and home fire injuries in BC. Fire Prevention Week™ works to educate people about the simple but important things they can do to keep themselves and those around them safe from fire in their kitchens and homes.

The Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) provides advice, guidance and support to members of the British Columbia fire service. Working together, along with members of the public, we can reduce the number and severity of fires, and lead the way in making our province fire safe. For more info go to