RDNO Launches Swan Lake Residential Infill Plan to Gauge Interest in Joining Community Sewer

Media Release

With the prospect of a community sanitary sewer system being developed to service lands in the Highway 97 / Pleasant Valley Road corridor, the RDNO is exploring the potential to extend the sewer system to service residential neighbourhoods located east of Pleasant Valley Road and north of Silver Star Road within Electoral Areas “B” and “C”.

“The community sewer allows the service area to explore new development and economic growth that is not possible when reliant on septic systems. The first group of properties passed a petition and will be the first phase to connect when the facility is built. The next step is to see whether nearby neighbourhoods would like to connect and if they’d like to see a change in housing density as a result,” said Bob Fleming, Electoral Area B Director.

Growth in areas with septic tanks is limited, so when sewer connection is in place, there will likely be interest in new development and added density, like carriage houses or suites, in the areas that decide to connect. Because of the anticipated interest, the RDNO is engaging with neighbourhoods first to see whether they are interested in joining, and if so, what type of development and density, if any, is preferable.

“There are multiple ways to give your feedback, and I encourage affected residents to attend one of the four online information sessions that will take place in June. It’s important that we get a clear picture of what each unique neighbourhood would like, so please take a few moments to fill out the survey or contact the RDNO,” said Amanda Shatzko, Electoral Area C Director.

Residents living in one of the nodes labelled on the map on our website can share feedback in the following ways:

The survey closes on June 15, 2021. The RDNO expects to compile and report on the results in the summer of 2021. Visit the project webpage.