White Valley Parks and Recreation and White Valley Arts and Culture Master Plans

White Valley Parks and Recreation and White Valley Arts and Culture Master Plans2250 Shields Ave, Lumby
Leaflet Map data © Google
Estimated End Date
February 31, 2024
2250 Shields Ave, Lumby
Funding Source(s)
Community Works Funds
Participating Communities
Area D
Village of Lumby

Project Description

The draft White Valley Parks and Recreation Master Plan has now been developed and is being shared with the community for feedback. We invite your comments by completing the form below by  January 30, 2024

Plan Overview

This Parks and Recreation Plan provides an update to the White Valley Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan completed in January 2011, by Yates, Thorne & Associates.  This Plan will serve as a guiding document as the White Valley region continues to grow and welcomes new residents and visitors to the region.

Focused on 2023-2033, this plan:

  • provides a comprehensive review of the current state of parks and recreation facilities;
  • defines the desired goals that the service is working to achieve;
  • identifies how our parks and recreation network will be integrated with other parks and recreation systems in the White Valley area and broader region;
  • identifies investment priorities;
  • articulates strategies and actions to enhance our parks and recreation facilities into the future;
  • clarifies organizational roles and links of community and volunteer service support; and,
  • establishes quantitative and qualitative performance targets to measure our progress;

The scope of this plan includes:

  • parks with the primary purpose of recreation;
  • natural areas with the primary purpose of ecological or cultural conservation that may have secondary purpose of passive recreation;
  • trails advocacy and planning support; and, 
  • recreation programming and facilities.


Residents of the White Valley area are actively engaged in a variety of indoor and outdoor recreational activities, supported by diverse recreation program offerings and a well-maintained system of parks and recreation facilities.

Goal 1: Parks and Trails

The White Valley Parks, Recreation, and Culture Service provides a system of parks and trails that sustainably meet the recreational, ecological, and cultural needs of the community in cooperation with the Village of Lumby and the Province of BC.

Strategy 1.1: Acquire and protect new parkland.

Strategy 1.2: Improve / enhance existing parks.

Strategy 1.3: Protect existing trail networks.

Strategy 1.4: Support new trails.

Goal 2: Recreation Infrastructure

Recreation infrastructure meets needs of residents of and visitors to the White Valley area and is in good condition to ensure continued service and allow growth of programming and participation.

Strategy 2.1: Update and implement asset management strategy.

Strategy 2.2: Enhance existing facilities to expand recreation and programming options.

Strategy 2.3: Formalize and improve process to provide community access to other community-owned spaces, including the community halls and schools, for recreation programming.

Goal 3: Recreation Programming

The community has the recreation capacity through access to infrastructure and operational support to allow for growth in the community and interest in new and additional recreational programming.

Strategy 3.1: Build capacity of recreation service providers.

Strategy 3.2: Enhance training to improve access to qualified recreation programmers.

Strategy 3.3: Increase marketing and advertising of recreation programming opportunities.

Review the 2023-2033 White Valley Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Public Consultation
Completion date
Plan Development
Completion date
Public Engagement of Draft Plan
Target Completion Date
Adoption of White Valley Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Target Completion Date
Contact Information
Department Contact