Electoral Area C

Electoral Areas B & C Parks Master Plan

The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) commenced a parks master planning process in 2018 for Electoral Areas B and C. The purpose of this process was to identify deficiencies within the existing local parks and trails system, and opportunities for new parks and trails.

A parks master planning process was last undertaken for these areas in 2004, at which time Electoral Areas B and C were under the jurisdiction of Greater Vernon Parks and Recreation District. While there have been some major shifts in terms of parks planning responsibilities within the RDNO since 2004, many of the recommendations pertaining to parks and trails are still relevant. 

While the main focus of this master plan is on local parks within Electoral Areas B and C, the proximity of these parks to the City of Vernon and the District of Coldstream means that they are used by residents of these municipalities. Likewise, City of Vernon and the District of Coldstream parks are used by residents of the electoral areas.

View the Electoral Areas B & C Parks Master Plan

