Grindrod Water - No Outdoor Watering for Planned Shutdown on September 16 and 17, 2024

Water Notice

A planned shutdown of the Grindrod Water Treatment Plant (GRWTP) is scheduled for September 16 and 17, 2024 to complete the final step of a generator installation project to support a resilient water supply. The RDNO is prepared to supply indoor water use to customers during the shutdown; however, outdoor watering must not occur during the planned shut down to ensure the reservoir has enough water to supply essential water use during the September 16 and 17 planned construction work.

Under these water restrictions, residents may water by hand with a watering can or with a hose with a spring-loaded shut-off nozzle, but are asked to do so only to maintain plant health. Under no circumstances can hoses or sprinklers be left running unattended, as this will increase the risk of emptying the reservoir and the utility entirely losing water.

The RDNO will notify customers when the system is operating normally and ask residents to follow normal water restrictions for Grindrod.  For more information on water restrictions, visit

Why is this notice in place?

Construction of the GRWTP generator will require a treatment plant shut down on September 16 and 17, 2024 to complete the final step of the work. During this planned shutdown, preparations have been made to ensure customers still receive treated drinking water for essential household use. If the stored water is used before the work is complete, customers will lose water for all purposes until the project is completed.

What should affected customers do?

Effective September 16, 2024, water use is only permitted for household purposes for 48 hours. It is suggested that you store a short-term water supply for cooking, washing hands and toilet use before this planned work in the event of a water outage.

Outdoor watering is not allowed during the planned construction for all customers who receive water from GRW. The only exception is residents may water by hand with a watering can or with a hose with a spring-loaded shut-off nozzle but are asked to do so only to maintain plant health.

Where can I find updates?

Customers will be notified of updates at (filter by Water Notices) and the RDNO’s Facebook page at You can also subscribe to receive email updates at

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