Applications for RDNO 2021 Waste Reduction Grants are Now Open

Media Release

Have an innovative idea for a project that can contribute to reducing waste in our region? Consider applying for a 2021 ReTHINK Waste Grant. This year, $50,000 is available to support eligible projects, with the intent for funding to support several projects.

Individuals, businesses, community groups and non-profit organizations are all eligible to apply. Applicants can request funding for up to 50% of the total cost of a project. The application deadline is 4:00 pm on October 31.

“For this grant program, we really want to encourage applicants to ReTHINK waste by prioritizing the first two R’s, Reduce and Reuse and consider initiatives that support the development of a circular economy,” said Darren Murray, Environmental Coordinator, RDNO.

“A circular economy aims to design waste out of the system and keep products and materials in use for as long as possible. For instance, repairing products and identifying reuse options helps achieve this. A liner economy, by contrast, is designed to take raw materials to make a product, which is thrown away after its use. The linear make-take-waste approach takes up limited landfill space, uses up finite resources and is very polluting.”

The ReTHINK Waste Grant Program supports a wide range of initiatives that support reducing waste. Some potential projects are:

  • community sharing initiatives,
  • salvaging materials for reuse,
  • product repair events/courses,
  • research projects,
  • reducing food waste,
  • waste reduction education events,
  • policy amendments, and;
  • waste reduction equipment development.

Find the application form and more information at