District of Coldstream and RDNO Electoral Area D Help Fund New Roof for Outdoor Rink

Media Release

The District of Coldstream and Electoral Area D supported the Lavington Community Association's (LCA) Raise the Roof campaign. The $50,000 from Coldstream and $10,000 from Area D went directly towards putting a roof over Jeffers Park's multi-purpose pad, which serves as a sports court in the warmer months, and as an outdoor ice rink in the winter. The addition of a roof will extend the ice rink's open period, prevent rain delays, and improve the recreation opportunities on the multi-purpose pad year-round.

"The Jeffers Park's multi-purpose pad is a well-used recreation facility in our community. People are in need of quality outdoor time throughout this pandemic, and we are happy to have contributed to this project," said Jim Garlick, Mayor, District of Coldstream.

"Our residents in rural Lumby regularly enjoy this outdoor skating rink, so I was happy to contribute," said Rick Fairbairn, Electoral Area D Director. "Donating to this project was made possible through the federal gas tax, which allows us smaller communities to contribute to projects like these. We are very grateful to have access to this money since before we received this funding, it was tough for small communities to invest in their infrastructure and amenities."

The ice rink at Jeffers Park in Lavington is approximately 26 years old and is maintained by volunteers who donate hundreds of hours per month. The LCA was established in 1946, and its volunteers regularly run bottle drives, annual garage sales, and other fundraisers to fund community projects.

"The support from the two local governments is much appreciated," said Gord McPherson, President of the LCA. "The community has been very generous, so this contribution helps take the burden off of residents. The project has been a long time coming, and it's fantastic to see the realization of this dream."

The District of Coldstream and the RDNO funded their contributions through the Community Works Fund (CWF). This fund consists of a stream of federal gas tax funding that is delivered to all local governments in British Columbia, including electoral areas, through a direct annual allocation to support local priorities. Each local government receives CWF funding based on a per capita formula.

(Back row, left to right: Werner Ott, Bronwyn Watson, Gord McPherson. Front row, left to right: Rick Fairbairn, Judith Thoreson, Kathleen Ott, Julie Kentel, Trevor Seibel)

Please note: this photo was taken on November 6 before the latest COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings were in place.