Electoral Area “C” Supports the Silver Star Property Owners Association

Media Release

Electoral Area “C” (BX / Silver Star) supported the Silver Star Property Owners Association (SSPOA) by contributing a $9870 grant to help fund the installation of 10 new signs to indicate trail access around the resort.

The SSPOA began looking into creating signs after multiple homeowners voiced their concerns for the safety of pedestrians and drivers during the winter months. Each year as the season progresses, the snowbanks on each side of the roads get higher and wider, resulting in progressively narrower roads. The decrease in space makes it difficult for pedestrians and drivers to share the road safely, so the SSPOA looked into how they could promote alternative routes for skiers, walkers and snowshoers during the winter months.

The solution was multi-faceted, and involved researching existing easements, getting input from Silver Star Mountain Resort and AIM Roads about how to keep these access routes maintained, deciding where and how to install new signs, and securing funding. The SSPOA also identified an opportunity to repurpose old light standards from the Knoll to keep them out of the landfill. With the funding from Electoral Area “C”, the SSPOA is now able to move forward and make their plan a reality.

“Investing in projects that help keep residents and visitors safe and active throughout the winter is important. The SSPOA has done a great job researching and creating a vision for this project, and I am happy to support them,” said Amanda Shatzko, RDNO Electoral Area “C” Director.

"The SSPOA is very grateful for the collaborative relationship we have with our Electoral Area Director, Amanda Shatzko. She is very supportive of us and Silver Star in general, and was instrumental in helping us with this grant application." Mike Waberski, SSPOA President.

"Improving the signage and maintenance of skiway access points within the resort will help to improve the safety of our residents and guests, and also help to manage the increased demand for outdoor activities." Maura McCarthy, SSPOA Director of Safe Communities.

Cheque presentation

Electoral Area “C” Director Amanda Shatzko presenting a cheque to Mike Waberski, SSPOA President and Maura McCarthy, SSPOA Director of Safe Communities.