Update: March 16, 2023 - 4:00 pm
Since the fall of 2022, Greater Vernon Water (GVW) has been working on the Headgates Spillway Project which required a Water Quality Advisory (WQA) and water source change notice for the area on the map below.
The project is now close to completion and GVW has rescinded the WQA since water treatment has returned to normal. The advisory also included water source changes which have also returned to normal. This means areas which usually received water from the Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant before the fall of 2022, will continue to do so.
Find the previous Headgates Spillway Project Notices on our website (www.rdno.ca).
Click here for a larger version of the map

Update - March 1, 2023 - 2:00pm
On January 27, 2023, Greater Vernon Water (GVW) informed customers that the timeline for the Headgates Spillway Project was extended and another project update would be provided on March 1. We are now confident that the current Water Quality Advisory (WQA) related to the project will be rescinded in mid-March. GVW will inform customers at that time.
Find the previous Headgates Spillway Project Notices on our website (www.rdno.ca).
The following remains in place until further notice:
- Precautionary WQA Remains – customers in the blue and green areas on the attached map are still on a precautionary WQA until further notice.
The precautionary WQA is in place for customers that receive water from Duteau due to a reduction in water flows. While GVW needs to maintain a lower flow of water to complete construction, when less water flows through the UV disinfection facility, it may intermittently turn-off without notice. While water may not be treated with UV, the water is still being treated with the clarification process and disinfected with chlorine.
Customers affected by this precautionary WQA may wish to boil their water for at least one (1) minute when preparing any food, drinking, washing fruits & vegetables, making beverages or ice or brushing teeth.
- Water Source Change Remains - to maintain ideal flows, some customers normally serviced by Duteau Creek water source may receive water from the Kalamalka Lake water source without notice. This may be of interest to customers who have in-home water treatment systems or aquariums as the water is harder and has a higher pH.
Where can I find updates?
GVW will issue another project update in mid-March and distribute it to local media, post it to our website www.rdno.ca/news (filter by Water Notices) and the RDNO’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RDNorthOkanagan.
You can also subscribe to receive email updates at www.rdno.ca/subscribe. Agricultural water customers can sign up to receive specialized text, email, or voicemail supply alerts at www.rdno.ca/agwater (bottom right of webpage).
Update - January 27, 2023 - 3:00pm
Since early September, Greater Vernon Water (GVW) has been working on the Headgates Spillway Project which will help protect our water infrastructure, the environment and downstream properties. GVW is still progressing, and while we had previously estimated that the project would be complete by January 31, 2023, due to a variety of construction delays, the estimate for completion is now late March 2023. The current precautionary Water Quality Advisory (WQA) will remain in place until the project is complete.
Please note the following:
- Precautionary WQA Remains – customers in the blue and green areas on the attached map are still on a precautionary WQA until further notice.
The precautionary WQA is in place for customers that receive water from Duteau due to a reduction in water flows. While GVW needs to maintain a lower flow of water to complete construction, when less water flows through the UV disinfection facility, it may intermittently turn-off without notice. While water may not be treated with UV, the water is still being treated with the clarification process and disinfected with chlorine.
Customers affected by this precautionary WQA may wish to boil their water for at least one (1) minute when preparing any food, drinking, washing fruits & vegetables, making beverages or ice or brushing teeth.
- Water Source Change Remains - to maintain ideal flows, some customers normally serviced by Duteau Creek water source may receive water from the Kalamalka Lake water source without notice. This may be of interest to customers who have in-home water treatment systems or aquariums as the water is harder and has a higher pH.
Where can I find updates?
GVW will issue another project update on March 1, 2023 and distribute it to local media, post it to our website www.rdno.ca/news (filter by Water Notices) and the RDNO’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RDNorthOkanagan. You can also subscribe to receive email updates at www.rdno.ca/subscribe. Agricultural water customers can sign up to receive specialized text, email, or voicemail supply alerts at www.rdno.ca/agwater (bottom right of webpage).
Update - October 28, 2022 - 12:30 pm - UPDATE - Greater Vernon Water Notice (Water Restrictions return to Normal Status)
Further to the water notices dated September 16 and October 21, 2022, Greater Vernon Water (GVW) is advising customers that Water Restrictions are returning to Normal from Stage 2.
Why is this happening?
Since early September, GVW has been working on the Headgates Spillway Project at the Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant (DCWTP) which required a reduction in water demand to complete the first phase of the project. Seasonal water demand has now reduced, so GVW is lifting the Stage 2 water restrictions and returning to our normal, year-round water restrictions. GVW thanks customers for their efforts to conserve water.
What will happen in the future?
The project at DCWTP is expected to be completed in January 2023. A Water Quality Advisory (updated October 21, 2022) is still in effect for a portion of GVW customers. Updates to the Water Quality Advisory will be shared as they become available.
Where can I find updates?
Updates will be posted to www.rdno.ca/news (filter by Water Notices) and the RDNO’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RDNorthOkanagan. You can also subscribe to receive email updates at www.rdno.ca/subscribe. Agricultural water customers can sign up to receive specialized text, email, or voicemail supply alerts at www.rdno.ca/agwater (bottom right of webpage).
If you have any questions, please contact the RDNO Utilities Department at 250-550-3700.
Update - October 21, 2022 - WATER NOTICE UPDATE – Duteau Creek Water Source
Greater Vernon Water (GVW) is progressing through a large infrastructure project increasing the size of the spillway at Headgates Dam in our watershed, which is affecting our Duteau Creek water source (Duteau). The reservoir behind the dam must be lowered during the construction period up until January 31, 2023. This project will better protect our water supply infrastructure, the environment, and downstream properties.
Customers in the blue area on the attached map are now serviced by Duteau water. The agricultural irrigation season is coming to a close and demand in the system has decreased to a point that many customers switched from Duteau to Kal will now return back to Duteau. To maintain ideal flows, some customers that were switched to Kal will remain on this source until further notice (green area on attached map). This may be of interest to customers who have in-home water treatment systems or aquariums as the water is harder and has a higher pH.
Please remember the following:
1. Precautionary Water Quality Advisory – customers in the blue and green areas on the attached map are still on a precautionary Water Quality Advisory until January 31, 2023.
The precautionary Water Quality Advisory is in place for customers that receive water from Duteau due to a reduction in water flows. While GVW needs to maintain a lower flow of water to complete construction, when less water flows through the UV disinfection facility, it may intermittently turn-off without notice. While water may not be treated with UV, the water will still be treated with the clarification process and disinfected with chlorine.
Customers affected by this precautionary Water Quality Advisory may wish to boil their water for at least one (1) minute when preparing any food, drinking, washing fruits & vegetables, making beverages or ice or brushing teeth.
- Stage 2 water restrictions - continue for all GVW customers until further notice.
Where can I find updates?
Updates will be posted to www.rdno.ca/news (filter by Water Notices) and the RDNO’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RDNorthOkanagan. You can also subscribe to receive email updates at www.rdno.ca/subscribe. Agricultural water customers can sign up to receive specialized text, email, or voicemail supply alerts at www.rdno.ca/agwater (bottom right of webpage).
If you have any questions, please contact the RDNO Utilities Department at 250-550-3700.
Click here for a larger version of the map

More Information: https://www.rdno.ca/building-development/current-capital-projects/headgates-spillway-project
Original Notice - September 16, 2022 - WATER NOTICE UPDATE – Duteau Creek Water Source
Greater Vernon Water (GVW) is starting work on a large infrastructure project. Throughout construction, UV treatment on the Duteau Creek source may be intermittently affected, and GVW has to maintain a lower level of water flow to complete the project. Therefore, GVW is issuing three notices:
- Customers usually supplied by the Duteau Creek Water Treatment plant are on a precautionary Water Quality Advisory from September 16, 2022, to January 31, 2023. GVW made this decision in conjunction with Interior Health.
- In order to decrease demand on the Duteau system, GVW is also delivering water from the Kalamalka Lake water source to some customers that usually receive water from Duteau Creek, so customers are also advised of a Water Source Change.
- Stage 2 water restrictions are now in place for all GVW customers until further notice.
Why are these measures in place?
GVW is increasing the size of the spillway at Headgates Dam to better protect our water supply infrastructure, the environment, and downstream properties. The Duteau Creek water intake is located in the Headgates Dam, and the reservoir behind the dam must be lowered during the construction period scheduled for September 2022 to January 2023.
The amount of water GVW can access from the Duteau Creek water supply will be reduced during the project. This means the UV portion of the Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant (DCWTP) could be temporarily turned-off without notice due to changes in water demand. While water may not be treated with UV (added in 2019) the water will still be treated with the clarification process and disinfected with chlorine. Because of this possibility, GVW is issuing a Water Quality Advisory for all properties shown in green and blue on the map below.
The Water Source Change is occurring because water from Kalamalka Lake will be supplied to some areas that normally receive Duteau Creek water. (Customers in the green area on the map below). This may be of interest to customers who have in-home water treatment systems or aquariums as the water is harder and has a higher pH.
Additionally, Stage 2 Restrictions are necessary for all GVW customers until water use reduces. This includes the areas normally supplied by the Mission Hill Water Treatment Plant (MHWTP) because it is being used to supplement the DCWTP area. As temperatures decrease, this measure may be rescinded.
Customers affected by the precautionary Water Quality Advisory may wish to boil their water for at least one minute when using it for purposes such as:
- Drinking
- Brushing teeth
- Washing fruits & vegetables to be eaten raw
- Preparing any food
- Mixing baby formula
- Making beverages or ice
Where can I find updates?
Updates will be posted to www.rdno.ca/news (filter by Water Notices) and the RDNO’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RDNorthOkanagan. You can also subscribe to receive email updates at www.rdno.ca/subscribe. Agricultural water customers can sign up to receive specialized text, email, or voicemail supply alerts at https://www.rdno.ca/agwater (bottom right of webpage).
If you have any questions, please contact the RDNO Utilities Department at 250-550-3700.