Kalamalka Lake Water Source Shutdown; Duteau Creek back to being Treated with UV

Water Notice

On April 22, 2020, the Kalamalka Lake water source was turned off due to increasing turbidity. As there is no filtration at the Mission Hill Treatment Plant, this source is vulnerable to weather and other conditions that impact the lake’s water quality. Turbidity started to increase because melting snow led to higher water levels in Coldstream Creek which feeds into Kalamalka Lake. The quick moving water stirs up sediment in the stream channel and lake bottom causing less clarity and a reduction in water quality.

All Greater Vernon Water customers will now be supplied water from the Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant (DCWTP) until turbidity decreases in Kalamalka Lake. The UV Disinfection facility is currently fully functional and water from the DCWTP meets Provincial drinking water standards with full treatment by UV disinfection, clarification (Diffused Air Flotation or DAF) and chlorine.

On April 7, 2020, Greater Vernon Water turned off the UV Disinfection Facility at the DCWTP to allow for repairs to a leaking pipe but this facility has been turned back on.

“While the repairs to the Duteau Creek UV facility are not fully complete, the facility is still operational and effective at treating water with UV disinfection. We plan on completing the repairs in the fall when we are no longer experiencing freshet or high system water use,” said Tricia Brett, Water Quality Manager, RDNO.

“All Greater Vernon Water customers can rest assured that their water is safe and we will notify them of when the switch back to the Kalamalka Lake water source is made”, said Brett.

Past Notice:
• April 7, 2020: Temporary Shutdown of Duteau Creek UV Facility for Repairs