Mabel Lake Water Utility - Boil Water Notice Downgrades to Water Quality Advisory

Water Notice

The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO), in conjunction with Interior Health (IH) has downgraded the Boil Water Notice issued on May 18, 2018 to a WATER QUALITY ADVISORY. This ADVISORY affects customers supplied by the Mabel Lake Water Utility (MLW), on the Kingfisher side of the lake.

Why are customers affected?
Water quality sampling and monitoring has shown that the water supply from Mable Lake is now rated FAIR. The turbidity (cloudiness) has decreased to less than 5.0 NTU allowing for a downgrade to a WATER QUALITY ADVISORY.

What does a FAIR rating mean?
A fair rating means that some customers should be careful when ingesting the water.

What should customers do?
Until the WATER QUALITY ADVISORY is rescinded, the following customers should exercise caution when ingesting the water:
• Young children
• Elderly
• People with weakened immune systems. (Customers who are unsure whether their immune system is compromised should discuss with a physician if they should always take these precautions).

For these customers, water intended for the following uses should be boiled for one minute:

• drinking
• preparing any foods
• washing fruits and vegetables
• making beverages or ice
• brushing teeth
• preparing infant formula

Customers will be informed when water quality returns to normal via road signs and on our website. For more information, please visit