RDNO Collaborates with OKIB on Fire Truck

Media Release

(From L to R: Ken Cullen, Firefighter, OKIB Fire Department; Bob Fleming, Electoral Area B Director, RDNO; Dave Lawrence, Fire Chief, OKIB Fire Department; and Mike Doherty, Firefighter, OKIB Fire Department)

The RDNO’s Fire Hall, BX Fire Rescue, recently purchased a brand new fire truck which made them assess what to do with their existing truck. Usually, the fire truck would be posted on BC Bid and auctioned off to private companies or other government agencies. This time, however, the RDNO and the Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) collaborated to add the fire truck to the OKIB Fire Department’s fleet. Directors Bob Fleming and Amanda Shatzko subsidized the truck in order to provide better fire protection within the OKIB Fire District.

“We are very excited about this, and are thankful that Directors Fleming and Shatzko worked together with us on this purchase,” said Okanagan Indian Band Chief Byron Louis. “This is a big step up from our current fire truck and will help our community be well equipped in the event of an emergency.”

“There are few things more important than investing in public safety, and it made sense to look to local options for relocating the fire truck instead of putting it out for a province-wide bid,” said Bob Fleming, Director for Area B (Swan Lake, Commonage).

“Community safety is of the utmost importance, for us and for our neighbours, and I am happy that we were able to find a mutually beneficial solution for us and for the OKIB,” said Amanda Shatzko, Director for Area C (BX – Silver Star).