At the April 22, 2020, Board Meeting, new hours and service changes were approved for the Silver Star Transfer Station (SSTS). The site will be staffed and have hours of operation beginning on August 1, 2020. The new hours will change seasonally, and include:
Winter Peak (November 15 – April 15):
Sun-Fri 12 pm – 5 pm
Summer Peak (July 1 – August 31):
Sun, Mon, Thu, Fri 12 pm – 5 pm
Off-Peak (April 16 – June 30 and September 1 – November 14):
Sun & Fri 12 pm – 5 pm
On January 15, 2020, a survey was posted for Silver Star Residents and Businesses to get feedback on the potential hours scenarios based on the number of hours approved by the Board of Directors on November 20, 2019. A Traffic Counter was also installed at SSTS on January 28 to monitor variation in traffic volumes and identify peak periods of transfer station usage. The RDNO sent a letter to all Silver Star residents and businesses with information on the operational changes on December 19, 2019.
“One of the key benefits of these changes is that the less garbage you produce, the less you will pay,” said Amanda Shatzko, Electoral Area C Director. “This way, people who produce less garbage are not subsidizing the higher producers of waste.”
Another prolific issue with an unstaffed transfer station is the drop off of inappropriate materials, such as hazardous waste, and large messes of mixed materials left behind and strewn throughout the facility.
During the open hours, the transfer station will be operated like other RDNO Diversion & Disposal Facilities (DDF). It will be staffed with a transfer station attendant collecting payment for each load. The fees are based on material and weight, and follow the same fee structure in place at the other RDNO DDFs and transfer stations and can be found on our website.
In preparation for the changes on August 1, 2020, there will be several upgrades made at the site. Access to the transfer station will be maintained for Silver Star residents during the upgrades.
The RDNO understands that SSTS may not meet the needs of everyone. In addition to SSTS, the Greater Vernon Diversion and Disposal Facility (GVDDF) provides longer operating hours throughout the week and more opportunities to divert waste, such as construction materials, large appliances and scrap metal.
Because of the greater distance to GVDDF, opportunities to reduce trip frequency should be considered. For instance, businesses and multifamily residential may consider facilitating more partnerships with waste hauling services that can provide comprehensive waste management and diversion solutions. Some of these services may include:
- Specialized equipment for containing, compacting, sorting and reducing collection frequency
- More recycling options
- Organics diversion
- Consultation services to facilitate reducing waste
Additional Rationale and Background for the Operational Changes
- Eliminating annual billing of solid waste management fees, defined in Silver Star Solid Waste Management Service Fees Imposition Bylaw No. 2719, 2016, which applies a flat yearly fee to property taxes and utility bills.
- Fees charged will be based on the amount of waste disposed of. For those who generate little waste, there is the potential to expect cost savings.
- To eliminate the perception of double taxation for residents, Silver Star Residents are currently paying into two services (Silver Star Transfer Station Service and the Regional District Solid Waste Management Service). With this change, residents will be paying into the Regional District Solid Waste Management Service only.
- To eliminate subsidizing costs arising from non-service area users. Concerns have been raised that non-service area users are bringing their refuse to the Silver Star Transfer Station to avoid paying costs at other facilities, which is at the expense of Silver Star residents and businesses.
- To provide a consistent level of service as other RDNO facilities in the region.
Past Public Notice