Utility Bills for Electoral Area Customers Delayed to Provide Financial Relief

Media Release

The RDNO Board of Directors resolved to delay issuing utility bills to Electoral Area water and sewer customers to provide financial relief during this global pandemic.

“We understand this is a difficult time financially for many of our utility customers. By delaying the date we send utility bills, we will provide some financial relief to our customers to help with their cash flow and keep money in their pockets for longer,” said Kevin Acton, Chair of the RDNO Board of Directors.

The RDNO’s water utilities are on different billing cycles, so the changes for each utility is slightly different.

Greater Vernon Water customers within Electoral Areas B, C, and D, billing will be delayed by 30 days for each of the next two quarterly billing periods. Instead of sending bills in mid-April, bills will be sent in mid-May. And, the following billing period will also change from issuance in mid-July to mid-August. The Board gave permission for the City of Vernon and District of Coldstream to determine their own strategies for potential relief. Greater Vernon Water customers within these two municipalities should contact their municipality for information specific to them.

Whitevale Water will be delayed by 30 days for each of the next two quarterly billing periods. This means that the date the bills are issued will change from early May to early June. And, the next billing period will also change from issuance in early July to early August.

Grindrod Water will be delayed by 60 days. Instead of sending the semi-annual bills in mid-March, bills will be sent in mid-May.

Silver Star Water and Garbage will be delayed by 60 days. Instead of sending the annual bills in mid-May, bills will be sent in mid-July.

Gunter-Ellison Water will be delayed by 60 days. Instead of sending the annual bills in mid-June, bill will be sent in mid-August.

Mabel Lake Water and Sewer will be delayed 60 days for the next billing period. Instead of sending annual bills in mid-June, bills will be sent in mid-August.

The RDNO main office is available by appointment only during the pandemic. Customers are encouraged to pay through their financial institutions.