Water Service Interruption Notice - Greater Vernon Water Utility Customers (Ravine Reservoir)

Water Notice

Greater Vernon Water (GVW) is experiencing a problem with one of our pump houses that has affected the supply of water to the Ravine Reservoir. This means there is limited supply of water to the approximately 20 properties served by this reservoir. The issue is due to an electrical transformer disruption, which BC Hydro is aware of and is responding to. Early indications are that the problem could persist until tomorrow evening (June 20, 2018).

In order to help make sure the water in the reservoir lasts until BC Hydro has completed the repair, GVW is requesting customers to limit their water use. This means NO OUTDOOR watering during this period.

If water use is limited sufficiently and the repair is completed as expected, customers should expect to continue to receive water.

For further information, please call 250-550-3700 or visit our website at www.rdno.ca.