Water Service Interruption Notice - Mabel Lake Water Utility Customers - Part 2

Water Notice

The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) advises customers of the Mabel Lake Water Utility (MLW) that a project to clean the water storage reservoirs is in progress, and that the RDNO has taken measures to avoid the chance of a water service interruption.


The cleaning of the Mid Level reservoir located off Lusk Lake Road East has been completed. The project is now focused on the Upper Level reservoir located east of Walker Road.

Please note that while the Upper Level reservoir is being cleaned the RDNO must operate a pump continuously, 24 hours a day, to maintain water service to properties on Dolly Varden Road and Walker Road. This will be sufficient to provide normal water service to these customers except in the event of a power outage, in which case water service will shut off.

Customers may wish to store a short term supply of water for use if service goes off.

If service shuts off, water quality may be affected. When water service resumes the RDNO suggests running a tap until the water clears before consuming or doing laundry.

For further information, please call 250-550-3700.