The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has issued a notice to Bessette Creek Water Users. This notice requests voluntary water restrictions for all water…
Please be advised that Postill Nixon Earthworks will be starting construction of the Howe Drive Watermain Replacement from Kalamalka Road to the CN Rail Line.
Excavation will…
KAMLOOPS - Effective at noon (Pacific time) on Friday, Aug. 4, 2017, the operation of any off-road vehicle for recreational purposes on Crown land will be prohibited throughout the Cariboo Fire…
Due to water main construction, residents in Lavington may experience turbid water during the weeks August 6 through August 18. Crews may complete water main flushing in the area to remedy any issues…
On Saturday, July 29th, the Rail Trail Interjurisdictional Development Team invites you to come on out to Lake Country for a Rail Trail Showcase! This is an open house-style event where the public is…